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Пословицы на иврите с переводом

Автор Razdalbaika, Март 29, 2024, 19:19

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Ивритские пословицы: уроки мудрости из древней культуры. Понимание ивритских пословиц: ключ к глубокому пониманию изречений


  • כל הפרות יודעות לשתות מים, אבל אתה רוצה שאצליח לך יתר על כן.

    • Transliteration: "Kol haparot yod'ot l'shot mayim, aval ata rotse she'atzliach lach yoter al ken."
    • Translation: "All cows know how to drink water, but you want me to succeed more than that."
    • Meaning: This proverb emphasizes the importance of standing out and excelling beyond the norm.
  • החיה תבין מה התולע רוצה.

    • Transliteration: "Ha'chaya tavin mah ha'tola'a rotze."
    • Translation: "The animal will understand what the worm wants."
    • Meaning: This saying suggests that sometimes one understands another's desires or intentions even without explicit communication.
  • כל דבר ניתן לשיפור.

    • Transliteration: "Kol davar nitan le'sheefur."
    • Translation: "Everything can be improved."
    • Meaning: This proverb encourages the idea of continuous improvement and refinement in all aspects of life.
  • בשוק יש תמיד מקום לעוד אחד.

    • Transliteration: "Ba'shuk yesh tamid makom le'od echad."
    • Translation: "In the market, there is always room for one more."
    • Meaning: This saying implies that there is always space for competition or participation in any field or endeavor.
  • אין כמו בבית.

    • Transliteration: "Ein kamoh ba'bayit."
    • Translation: "There's no place like home."
    • Meaning: Similar to the English proverb, this phrase highlights the unique comfort and familiarity found in one's own home.
  • הכרת הטוב בין קרובים.

    • Transliteration: "Hakarat hatov bein karovim."
    • Translation: "Recognizing the good among relatives."
    • Meaning: This proverb emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the good deeds done by family members.
  • מי שאין עצבונו אין מנוחתו.

    • Transliteration: "Mi she'ein etzbo'no ein menukhato."
    • Translation: "He who has no worries has no rest."
    • Meaning: This saying suggests that a certain level of concern or responsibility is necessary for one to experience true peace or contentment.
  • הנחת המטופל על המרפא.

    • Transliteration: "Hanachat hametupel al hamerape."
    • Translation: "Placing the patient on the healer."
    • Meaning: This proverb conveys the idea that the responsibility for recovery or improvement lies not only with the patient but also with the caregiver or healer.
Эти пословицы и множество других афоризмов составляют богатство ивритской культуры, передавая её мудрость и опыт из поколения в поколение.