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На латыни о любви с переводом

Автор Dand, Март 26, 2024, 00:20

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Amor: vis quae mundum movet - love: the force that moves the world. Amor: exploratio in essentiam humani cordis - love: exploring the essence of the human heart


Certainly! Here's a detailed passage about love in Latin along with its translation:

Amor, quod eximium est munus vitae, cor hominis permeat ac potestates eius subigit. Quis enim umquam amoris potentiam negaverit? Amor est ille ignis qui animam nostram coniungit, qui corda nostra confringit et tandem in æternum amalgamat. Per amorem, homines divinas virtutes agnoscunt et a fundamentis mundi ascendant. Est amor ille quidem, quod nos homines superat et nos ad maiora animumque amplificandum trahit. Non est amor tantum deliciae, sed etiam cruciatus; nam qui amat, vulnerabilis est, sed ex vulnere illo splendor et virtus oriuntur. In amore, non solum alios sed etiam nos ipsos invenimus, quoniam per amorem cognoscimus nos et veram nostram essentiam. Hoc est quod amorem vere magnificat – non tam passiones quam fides, non tam ardor quam constantia.

Love, which is the exceptional gift of life, permeates the heart of man and subdues his faculties. For who has ever denied the power of love? Love is that fire which unites our soul, which shatters our hearts and finally amalgamates them into eternity. Through love, humans acknowledge divine virtues and ascend from the foundations of the world. Indeed, love is that which surpasses us as humans and draws us towards greater things and the enlargement of our spirit. Love is not merely pleasure, but also torment; for he who loves is vulnerable, yet from that vulnerability, radiance and strength emerge. In love, we find not only others but also ourselves, for through love we come to know ourselves and our true essence. This is what truly magnifies love – not so much passions as faith, not so much ardor as constancy.