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Речь на латыни перевод

Автор Zenaida, Апр. 09, 2024, 10:58

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Превращаем речь на латыни в понятный текст: искусство перевода. Основные принципы перевода латинской речи: понимание и передача смысла


</hr>Латинский текст:

Salve, amici! Gratias ago vobis omnibus quod hodie convenistis ad hoc colloquium. Nobiscum sunt hodie homines ex diversis locis et gentibus, sed uno animo coniuncti sumus.

Hodie vobis de amore loquar. Amor est vis potentissima in universo. Amor omnia vincit, et nos in amore vitae pulchritudinem videmus. In amicitia, in amore, in familia, omnes homines uniti sunt.

Amor non solum inter homines est, sed etiam inter naturam et omnia viventia. Videmus amorem in arboribus, in floribus, in cantu avium, et in motu maris. Est hinc magnus amor in universo.

Ergo, carissimi, exhortor vos: amate vos invicem. Ama et ipse amabuntur. In amore vita vera invenitur.

Gratias ago vobis iterum quod hodie adfuitis. Valete!

Английский перевод:

Greetings, friends! I thank you all for gathering here today for this conversation. Among us today are people from different places and nations, but we are united in one spirit.

Today, I will speak to you about love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love conquers all, and through love, we see the beauty of life. In friendship, in romantic love, in family, all people are united.

Love is not only among humans but also among nature and all living things. We see love in the trees, in the flowers, in the singing of birds, and in the movement of the sea. There is great love here in the universe.

Therefore, dearest ones, I urge you: love one another. Love, and you shall be loved in return. In love, true life is found.

I thank you once again for being here today. Farewell!

</hr>Этот пример демонстрирует использование латинского языка в выступлении, а также предоставляет его английский перевод для понимания.