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О любви на испанском с переводом

Автор Josephina, Март 08, 2024, 00:41

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Секреты долгой и счастливой любви. Secrets of long and happy love


История о любви:

En un pequeño pueblo en la costa de España, vivía una joven llamada María. Era una chica hermosa con ojos tan brillantes como el sol y una sonrisa que iluminaba todo a su alrededor. Desde su infancia, María había soñado con encontrar el amor verdadero.

(In a small village on the coast of Spain, lived a young woman named Maria. She was a beautiful girl with eyes as bright as the sun and a smile that lit up everything around her. Since her childhood, Maria had dreamed of finding true love.)

Todos los días, María paseaba por la playa, admirando la belleza del océano y esperando que algún día el destino le trajera a su alma gemela.

(Every day, Maria would stroll along the beach, admiring the beauty of the ocean and hoping that one day fate would bring her soulmate to her.)

Un día, mientras observaba las olas danzar en la orilla, María tropezó con un joven apuesto llamado Javier. Sus ojos se encontraron y en ese momento, el mundo pareció detenerse a su alrededor.

(One day, as she watched the waves dance along the shore, Maria stumbled upon a handsome young man named Javier. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the world seemed to stop around them.)

Javier extendió su mano para ayudar a María a levantarse, y en ese simple gesto, ambos sintieron una conexión instantánea que los dejó sin aliento.

(Javier reached out his hand to help Maria up, and in that simple gesture, they both felt an instant connection that left them breathless.)

Con el tiempo, María y Javier se enamoraron profundamente el uno del otro. Se paseaban por la playa de la mano, compartían risas y secretos, y sabían que habían encontrado el amor verdadero en los brazos del otro.

(Over time, Maria and Javier fell deeply in love with each other. They strolled along the beach hand in hand, shared laughter and secrets, and knew that they had found true love in each other's arms.)

Y así, en ese pequeño pueblo en la costa de España, María y Javier demostraron que el amor verdadero puede superar cualquier obstáculo y perdurar para siempre.

(And so, in that small village on the coast of Spain, Maria and Javier proved that true love can overcome any obstacle and endure forever.)


In a small village on the coast of Spain, lived a young woman named Maria. She was a beautiful girl with eyes as bright as the sun and a smile that lit up everything around her. Since her childhood, Maria had dreamed of finding true love.

Every day, Maria would stroll along the beach, admiring the beauty of the ocean and hoping that one day fate would bring her soulmate to her.

One day, as she watched the waves dance along the shore, Maria stumbled upon a handsome young man named Javier. Their eyes met, and in that moment, the world seemed to stop around them.

Javier reached out his hand to help Maria up, and in that simple gesture, they both felt an instant connection that left them breathless.

Over time, Maria and Javier fell deeply in love with each other. They strolled along the beach hand in hand, shared laughter and secrets, and knew that they had found true love in each other's arms.

And so, in that small village on the coast of Spain, Maria and Javier proved that true love can overcome any obstacle and endure forever.