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Приметы на казахском с переводом

Автор Кошка_Лана, Март 12, 2024, 14:32

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Приметы в казахской культуре: традиции и значимость. Узнайте, что значат приметы на казахском языке


Приметы, или "белгі", в казахской культуре играют важную роль и часто используются для предсказания будущего, оценки ситуации или просто как интересный обычай. Вот несколько примеров примет на казахском языке с их переводом на английский и объяснением:

  • Қара жырау қатты бар, көк жырау көңілді.

     "When the black crow flies high, it will be a clear day."

     This proverb suggests that seeing a black crow flying high is a sign of good weather ahead. It implies that if the crow is flying high, it means the skies are clear and calm.

  • Кім кірпіш басқарады, ол құдайды көрмейді.

     "He who looks at his own eyebrows does not see God."

     This saying emphasizes the importance of humility and avoiding vanity. It suggests that those who are too preoccupied with themselves may miss the greater spiritual truths or blessings.

  • Бүйрек іш, шаңырақ айырып, арпаны топ.

     "Drink soup, wipe your spoon, and find your pearl."

     This saying encourages perseverance and patience. It suggests that by completing simple tasks diligently (like drinking soup and wiping the spoon), one can eventually find something valuable or precious.

  • Тамақ ақ тілден, сөз ақ тілден.

     "Food comes from a white tongue, words come from a white tongue."

     This proverb stresses the importance of speaking kindly and positively. It suggests that good words, like good food, come from a pure and sincere heart.

  • Қалай бір меңгеруші қой араласады, қосар ешкімнің төртін жауып кетпейді.

     "No matter how much a fence jumper may try to mix, they can't undo someone else's knots."

     This saying implies that no matter how hard someone tries to intervene in other people's affairs or disrupt their plans, they cannot undo what others have already accomplished.

Эти примеры демонстрируют, как приметы в казахской культуре используются для передачи мудрости, обычаев и верований.